AmigaNews Tech (ANT) was a companion magazine to the French Commodore Revue. ANT targetted developers with programming explanations and examples in various programming languages. I still remember learning about overlays at 16... an experience that changed my life . It seems that 36 instances of ANT (1, 2) appeared in total. I (re)implemented below some of the C programs found in ANT, following Daff's republication of these magazines .

All the examples compile with the NDK v3.1 and VBCC v0.9h, assuming DevKits: as the root of their installations (cf. Cubic IDE). Most archives should contain two main source files: xxx_ORIGINAL.c and xxx.c; the former is the code from the orginal article, the latter is the code modified (as little as possible) to make it compile and run with VBCC.


List of (re)implemented ANT C code examples
Year Month Magazine Title Source Code
1989 No articles before
Apr. N/A N/A
May N/A N/A
Jun. N/A N/A
Jul. N/A N/A
Sep. N/A N/A
Oct. N/A N/A
Nov. Sectoriser ANTSectoriser.lha
Dec. N/A N/A
1990 Jan. N/A N/A
Feb. N/A N/A
Mar. No instance that month
Apr. 3D graphics (basic concepts) (Data for program in May below...)
May 3D graphics (basic programming) ANT3DGraphicsDrawLines.lha
Jun. 3D graphics (projections, 1st part) (Explanations on the projections used in Jul./Aug. below...)
Jul. 3D graphics (perspective projections) ANT3DGraphicsDrawLinesMoving.lha
Sep. 3D graphics (animation) ANT3DGraphicsAnimation.lha
Oct. A silencer for disk units ANTDiskSilencer.lha
Nov. Preprocessor of vertexes for Anim ANT3DGraphicsPreprocessorVerticesAnim.lha
Dec. 3D graphics (hidden faces) ANT3DGraphicsDrawFaces.lha
1991 Jan. File requester from arp.library ANTARPFileRequester.lha


No instance that month
Mar. Opening a screen with graphics.library ANTScreenWithGraphicsLibrary.lha
Console.device ANTConsoleDevice1.lha
CRBlanker, switching among Intuition screens ANTCRBlanker.lha
Public libraries ANTPublicLibraries.lha
Apr. Opening a screen with intuition.library ANTScreenWithIntuitionLibrary.lha
Console.device, reception of chars and display with graphics.library ANTConsoleDevice2.lha
Creating a super Shell with Intuition menus  
May EasyWindow, easy creation of a NewWindow struct ANTEasyWindow.lha
Boolean and String gadgets ANTBooleanStringGadgets.lha
June Proportional gadgets ANTProportionalGadgets.lha
Inserting assembly functions N/A
Examples of using the CIAs ANTCIAExample.lha
July Communication between tasks (foundations) N/A
Aug. Drop-down menus ANTDropDownMenus.lha
Sep. Communication between tasks ANTTwoTasks.lha
Managing hardware Sprites ANTHardwareSprites.lha
Spy, spying on the memory ANTMemorySpy.lha
Reentrant programs  
Oct. Managing VSprites in the Workbench  
Layers and regions of Intuition  
Exec and interruptions  
Nov. Buffer memory as main memory and ChipMemFirst  
Programming with overlays  
Dec. Converter of IFF images in source ASCII C or assembly  
1992 Jan. The BOB  
Feb. Grafting  
Mar. Generating sounds (first part)  
Generating sounds (second part)  
Apr. N/A N/A
May Audio player IFF 8SVX  
Complex 3D objects  
Jun. Audio player IFF 8SVX (second part)  
Jul. No instance that month
Aug. SMUS player  
Usage of GadToolBox  
Intuition windows and timer.device  
Error handling in programs  
No more articles after


The last three changes:

Tygre - 2025-01-09 19:09:41  |  Tygre - 2025-01-07 22:38:04  |  Tygre - 2025-01-03 12:29:44